Below is an interactive table of available objects within the SAP Business One DI-API with their value and description. You can filter the table using the Search box and sort each columns as needed.
SAP DI API Objects
In cases where the DI API object number value is needed, the following table data can be helpful.
Member | Value | Description |
BoBridge | 305 | SBObob object. |
BoRecordset | 300 | Recordset object. |
oAccountSegmentationCategories | 143 | AccountSegmentationCategories object. |
oAccountSegmentations | 142 | AccountSegmentations object. |
oActivityLocations | 104 | ActivityLocations object. |
oActivityStatus | 217 | ActivityStatus object. |
oActivityTypes | 103 | ActivityTypes object. |
oAdditionalExpenses | 125 | AdditionalExpenses object. |
oAlternateCatNum | 73 | AlternateCatNum object. |
oAttachments2 | 221 | Attachments2 object. |
oBPFiscalRegistryID | 278 | BPFiscalRegistryID object. |
oBPPriorities | 150 | BPPriorities object. |
oBankPages | 42 | BankPages object. |
oBanks | 3 | Banks object. |
oBillOfExchangeTransactions | 182 | BillOfExchangeTransaction object. |
oBudget | 77 | Budget object. |
oBudgetDistribution | 78 | BudgetDistribution object. |
oBudgetScenarios | 91 | BudgetScenarios object. |
oBusinessPartnerGroups | 10 | BusinessPartnerGroups object. |
oBusinessPartners | 2 | BusinessPartners object. |
oBusinessPlaces | 247 | BusinessPlaces object. |
oChartOfAccounts | 1 | ChartOfAccounts object. |
oChecksforPayment | 57 | ChecksforPayment object. |
oChooseFromList | 218 | ChooseFromList object. |
oClosingDateProcedure | 261 | ClosingDateProcedure object. |
oCommissionGroups | 65 | CommissionGroups object. |
oContacts | 33 | Contacts object. |
oContractTemplates | 170 | ContractTemplates object. |
oCorrectionInvoice | 165 | Documents object that represents a draft of correction invoice document. |
oCorrectionInvoiceReversal | 166 | Documents object that represents a draft of reverse invoice correction document. |
oCorrectionPurchaseInvoice | 163 | Documents object that represents a draft of purchase invoice correction document. |
oCorrectionPurchaseInvoiceReversal | 164 | Documents object that represents a draft of reverse purchase invoice correction document. |
oCreditCardPayments | 71 | CreditCardPayments object. |
oCreditCards | 36 | CreditCards object. |
oCreditNotes | 14 | Documents object that represents a draft of sales credit note document. |
oCreditPaymentMethods | 70 | CreditPaymentMethods object. |
oCurrencyCodes | 37 | Currencies object. |
oCustomerEquipmentCards | 176 | CustomerEquipmentCards object. |
oCustomsGroups | 56 | CustomsGroups object. |
oDeductionTaxGroups | 117 | DeductionTaxGroups object. |
oDeductionTaxHierarchies | 116 | DeductionTaxHierarchiesobject. |
oDeliveryNotes | 15 | Documents object that represents a draft of sales delivery note document. |
oDownPayments | 203 | Documents object. |
oDrafts | 112 | Documents object that represents a draft document |
oDunningLetters | 151 | DunningLetters object. |
oDynamicSystemStrings | 229 | DynamicSystemStrings object. |
oEmployeesInfo | 171 | EmployeesInfo object. |
oFactoringIndicators | 138 | FactoringIndicators object. |
oFormattedSearches | 219 | FormattedSearches object. |
oForms1099 | 145 | Forms1099 object. |
oHouseBankAccounts | 231 | HouseBankAccounts object. |
oIncomingPayments | 24 | Payments object. |
oIndustries | 201 | Industries object. |
oInventoryCycles | 146 | InventoryCycles object. |
oInventoryGenEntry | 59 | Documents object that is used to enter general items to the inventory. |
oInventoryGenExit | 60 | Documents object that is used to exit general items from inventory. |
oInvoices | 13 | Documents object that represents a draft of sales invoice document. |
oItemGroups | 52 | ItemGroups object. |
oItemProperties | 8 | ItemProperties object. |
oItems | 4 | Items object. |
oJournalEntries | 30 | JournalEntries object that represents a normal journal entry. |
oJournalVouchers | 28 | JournalVouchers |
oKnowledgeBaseSolutions | 189 | KnowledgeBaseSolutions object. |
oLandedCostsCodes | 48 | LandedCostsCodes object. |
oLengthMeasures | 50 | LengthMeasures object. |
oLocalEra | 250 | LocalEra object. |
oManufacturers | 43 | Manufacturers object. |
oMaterialRevaluation | 162 | MaterialRevaluation object. |
oMessages | 81 | Messages object. |
oMultiLanguageTranslations | 224 | MultiLanguageTranslations object. |
oNotaFiscalCFOP | 258 | NotaFiscalCFOP object. |
oNotaFiscalCST | 259 | NotaFiscalCST object. |
oNotaFiscalUsage | 260 | NotaFiscalUsage object. |
oOrders | 17 | Documents object that represents a draft of sales order document. |
oPackagesTypes | 205 | PackagesTypes object. |
oPaymentRunExport | 158 | PaymentRunExport object. |
oPaymentTermsTypes | 40 | PaymentTermsTypes object. |
oPaymentsDrafts | 140 | Payments object. |
oPickLists | 156 | PickLists object. |
oPriceLists | 6 | PriceLists object. |
oProductTrees | 66 | ProductTrees object. |
oProductionOrders | 202 | ProductionOrders object. |
oPurchaseCreditNotes | 19 | Documents object that represents a draft of purchase credit note document. |
oPurchaseDeliveryNotes | 20 | Documents object that represents a draft of purchase delivery note document. |
oPurchaseDownPayments | 204 | Documents object. |
oPurchaseInvoices | 18 | Documents object that represents a draft of purchase invoice document. |
oPurchaseOrders | 22 | Documents object that represents a draft of purchase order document. |
oPurchaseReturns | 21 | Documents object that represents a draft of a purchase return document. |
oPurchaseTaxInvoice | 281 | Purchase tax invoice. See TaxInvoices object and DocType property with the valid value botit_Payment. |
oQueryCategories | 134 | QueryCategories object. |
oQueue | 194 | Queue object. |
oQuotations | 23 | Documents object that represents a draft of sales quotation document. |
oRelationships | 212 | Relationships object. |
oReturns | 16 | Documents object that represents a draft of sales return document. |
oSalesForecast | 198 | SalesForecast object. |
oSalesOpportunities | 97 | SalesOpportunities object. |
oSalesPersons | 53 | SalesPersons object. |
oSalesStages | 101 | SalesStages object. |
oSalesTaxAuthorities | 126 | SalesTaxAuthorities object. |
oSalesTaxAuthoritiesTypes | 127 | SalesTaxAuthoritiesTypes object. |
oSalesTaxCodes | 128 | SalesTaxCodes object. |
oSalesTaxInvoice | 280 | Sales tax invoice. See TaxInvoices object and DocType property with the valid value botit_Invoice. |
oServiceCalls | 191 | ServiceCalls object. |
oServiceContracts | 190 | ServiceContracts object. |
oShippingTypes | 49 | ShippingTypes object. |
oSpecialPrices | 7 | SpecialPrices object. |
oStockTakings | 31 | StockTaking object. |
oStockTransfer | 67 | StockTransfer object. |
oTeams | 211 | Teams object. |
oTerritories | 200 | Territories object. |
oUserDefaultGroups | 93 | UserDefaultGroups object. |
oUserFields | 152 | UserFieldsMD object. |
oUserKeys | 193 | UserKeysMD object. |
oUserLanguages | 223 | UserLanguages object. |
oUserObjectsMD | 206 | UserObjectsMD object. |
oUserPermissionTree | 214 | UserPermissionTree object. |
oUserQueries | 160 | UserQueries object. |
oUserTables | 153 | UserTablesMD object. |
oUsers | 12 | Users object. |
oVatGroups | 5 | VatGroups object. |
oVendorPayments | 46 | Payments object that represents payments to vendors. |
oWarehouseLocations | 144 | WarehouseLocations object. |
oWarehouses | 64 | Warehouses object. |
oWeightMeasures | 51 | WeightMeasures object. |
oWithholdingTaxCodes | 178 | WithholdingTaxCodes object. |
oWizardPaymentMethods | 147 | WizardPaymentMethods object. |
oWorkOrders | 68 | WorkOrders object. |